Friday, August 24, 2007

Call Me Unoriginal

I raked my mind long and hard trying to figure out what to name this blog. A couple of choices I had in mind were already taken. I then thought of Swan and the name of her blog. Swans of the River. Genius. Yes, but why Yans of the Skies?

I met a close friend of Swan's when I visited her in her senior year at college: Eric, during that awesome random keg party he threw, came up to me and solemnly asked, "Your sister is named after a bird species. Why'd your parents named you after some country's currency?" To which I replied, "Yan is actually the swallow bird in Mandarin." So Yans of the Skies it is.

You know what? Now I think about it, I'm pretty sure Swan also wrote her reason for the name of her blog in her first post too. Bugger. I guess no matter how old I get, the trend, as a kid sister, is to follow everything the older and wiser sibling does...