Wednesday, June 25, 2008

One Reason Why I Should Leave North America and Bugger Off Somewhere

I received an unexpected e-mail from a former manager seeking advice in regards to his upcoming trip to Penang, Malaysia. Problem: the last time I was in Penang was 8 years ago. Having an excellent impression to uphold, and in order to deliver a quality response, I frantically sifted through websites, scanning for information that could be somewhat helpful.

Did you know that you can fly from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore for € 5 or to Phuket for € 30? I want to go!

The travel bug has hit me unexpectedly and it has hit me hard.

It's been 55 days since I left Europe, and boy, do I miss the continent. That "not wanting to live the life of a nomad" feeling I mentioned in the previous post? I take it back. In my hectic schedule, juggling between school, a part-time job, and looking for a full-time position after graduation (anyone looking to hire a kick-ass, fabulous person?) I'd overlooked the fact that Reading Break starts on Thursday. What do you do with six days off? Travel, of course. If I still live in the Czech Republic, I can hit two cities, heck, two countries, in six days.

But I'm not in Europe. And I don't have friends scattered all over North America. What I do have is a sister who lives out in the east. Inspired, I set out to find the cheapest ticket to fly to D.C., gullible enough to think that I can find a return ticket for less than $400.

$1,500?!?! Seriously? I can fly home for less than that. Or fly back to to Europe for half that amount. Jeez.