Friday, February 20, 2009

Egypt in Adjectives

Showing him my sad face after the Egyptian boy refused my counter-offer price for a magnet I was attempting to purchase, he attempts to sweet-talk me, "You are beautiful, yes. But I cannot make you happy."

Good businessmen, these Egyptians. They know their priorities and would rather take money over a good-looking girl. I never got that magnet I wanted, but I was much tickled by the 5 marriage proposals I received that day. Not that it's anything brag-able, since Egyptians men pretty much on anything that moves.

The three pyramids at Giza

It's indescribable, the feelings I went through when I first saw the pyramids. They are...stony. Bricky. So...quadrilateral. One big masonry mass just to house one corpse. Nuts. There's the huge disappointment you deal with when you realized the highlight of the pyramid is in fact, what you see on the outside. While it had to be done, the venture into the pyramid was not as I imagined. No intricate carvings on the walls (you get those at the Valley of Kings); just a long ape-like crouch-crawl in and out the passageway, into this empty square in the middle of the pyramid. And that was that. Great thigh toners though. Dad walked around like a duck, cringing in pain for every step he took for the following two days.

All things Egyptian: Camels & Pyramids

Chaotic would be the first thing that comes to mind when in Cairo. Buses, cars, and motorcycles all surge to move forward in traffic that stretches for miles whilst people and donkey carts jostle to cross the roads.

Luxurious is nary a word I use to describe my travels in the past two years. This time around, it wasn't your typical slugging-it-out, crap-I-only-have-20-dollars-left-so-let's-eat-peanut-butter-sandwich-again-so-I-can-get-more-beer backpacking trip. More like, wow, Hilton hotels; ohmigosh, full-course buffet meals.

I could get used to traveling like this.

Sand, sand and more sand.  Sunrise on our way to Abu Simbel

Felucca-ing into the sunset in Aswan

Ma pulls a face of Horus at Horus, after seeing sculptures of this God one time too many.