Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Taiwan...Touch Your Heart?

Clockwise from left: The staircase of Jiufen, turquoise waters of Tarako Gorge, the Theatre
at Chiang Kai Shek Memorial, Taipei 101, Sunrise at Alishan

Cliche tagline, but dang, if it wasn't right! The vibrant city of Taipei bustling with youthful energy is in complete juxtaposition of the peacefulness and tranquility exuding from the forest of Alishan. Chilly dawns reminded me of frosty mornings in New Zealand while mild temperatures during the day brought me right back to my gallivanting days in Victoria. We were gobbling ourselves silly with the crazy varieties of food available - explains that additional doughnut ring around the waist while ushering into the new year.

So, why Taiwan? In jest, I laid it out in ten words on a friend's Facebook wall:

A little background here: by cutie-guy, I mean this hottie who sat behind me in Math Class in first year university, whom I had a bit of a girly crush on. His debut in this detective TV series mid-last year propelled him into one of Taiwan's hottest hearthrobs.

M.A.C aka Math Asian Cutie. That was the nickname I bestowed him. Little did I know that that was close enough to his real name - Mark Chao 赵又廷
 <-- To 

those reading this (all five of you): I've made it easy for you to go Google him.

Clearly, the seduction failed to take place. I was however, lamblasted with life-size cutouts of him promoting Let's Cafe coffee in most Family Marts and 7-11s available at just about every street corner of Taiwan. Le sigh. And I quote my sister, "Wow. You really did miss the boat on MAC. Who knew that dudes that look like that exist in our world?" I know, Jie. I know :( Better luck next time, I s'ppose. But for now, here are some selected pictures from Taiwan.

Next up: Family Reunion in Europe. Hola!

Indescribable beauty of Tarako Gorge

Frost in the morning at Alishan

The forest railway tracks leading through Alishan

Elder Sister Lake at Alishan. Legend can be read here.