Sunday, January 6, 2008

Mostar, I Wish I Saw You on a Dry Day

It was pouring rain when we arrived in Mostar. We had vetoed the idea of staying the night and even though there were no night buses running to Dubrovnik, we bought the tickets anyway. Meaning we had only three hours to plunder through Mostar in the rain. Fun stuff.

People who know me well will know that I am not good company when I am in one of my moods. Combine that with:
  • Lack of sleep:
    • we woke up at the atrocious hour of 5.00am to catch the first tram to the train station
  • Hunger:
    • we had survived on Turkish coffee, white bread with peanut butter - AND skipped dinner - for the past three days. Totally our fault, but STILL.
  • Torrential downpour and a broken umbrella
    • I must have looked hysterically ridiculous walking around like this:
Yup, I'm trying to set a new fashion statement here

If there was anything that could've put me in a foul(er) mood, wet jeans and wetter socks did it. I was pissed M-A-D at everything and everyone. I'm just glad that Swan was tolerant enough to not just walk away and leave me at some strange Bosnian countryside.Oh yeah, the sh*tty crap of an umbrella is lying somewhere in a Dubrovnik rubbish dump.

Thinking back, Mostar is a quaint little town with its own unique set of war stories to tell. I think I would have quite liked the place had I saw it on a rainless day.

Read more here


svaneswan said...

I'm sitting here at work, and just LAUGHED OUT LOUD at your umbrella - your older (but not necessarily wiser) sister

Swiftlet said...

I still chuckle at the absurdity of it all. I should give props to my RM10 Jusco umbrella for having served me well for the past year though. Miss you!