Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Hills are Aliiiive...

It was bitterly cold and windy in Vienna. My teeth was chattering so hard it was rattling my brain. I couldn't quite process what the representative from Vienna Sightseeing Tours was trying to say to us, but readily agreed to my parents' plan of heading to Salzburg for a day-trip.

The three hour drive to Salzburg was a winter wonderland since it had snowed three days before our arrival in Austria. We were kept entertained by the stories told to us by our wonderfully funny and knowledgeable tour guide. The rare and occasional silence was punctuated with the clicking of digital cameras taking pictures of the scenery as we whizzed by.

Salzburg is this gorgeous quaint little town, dominated by baroque towers and churches, as well as Festung Hohensalzburg (literally "High Salzburg Fortress" in German). For the rest of the day, I had "Do-Re-Mi" replaying over and over like a broken record in my head as settings and sites used for The Sound of Music were pointed out to us.

Indeed, I used to associate Salzburg with the film along with famous classical music composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. But now, when I think of Salzburg, I think of Salzburger Nockerl, a traditional
soufflé-like Austrian meringue dessert. Sounds amazingly delicious. We thought so too. Mom even skipped lunch just to have enough space to stomach this massive (made for) 3 - 5 people dessert. Hey, if we have to pay €10.90 and wait 20 minutes for dessert, we were making damn sure that the dish is licked clean at the end of our dessert break.

My initial, untouched portion of the Salburger Nockerl
Our anticipation and excitement for this traditional dessert wavered when the chef carelessly spooned up and plop the dessert onto our plates. It went down with a splat and wobbled. We doubtfully poked and prodded this...thing.

I took a bite; it had a texture that was almost cotton-candy-like: fluffy and light. Yet, it was gooey and creamy at the same time. It also tasted very much like uncooked egg whites. Bleurgh! I don't care about the rave reviews this dessert has received. All lies. This, is officially the worst dessert I've ever eaten. Needless to say, there was tons of leftovers. Good thing I had already excused myself from the table by the time the server came out to collect the plates while shooting the 'rents disapproving looks.

Give me cheesecake or medovník anytime, thanks.

Baroque architectures line the Salzach river.

Festung Hohensalzburg stands majestically in the background

Busy shopping street Getreidegasse. 
All buildings on this street feature wrought-iron guild signs over their stores.

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