Friday, February 1, 2008

Implusiveness... never a good thing.

Two weeks of being a desk monkey, staring at a computer screen eight hours a day, processing endless amounts of data into the company system, has gotten me antsy. After a high of backpacking with the sister, I was rearing for another trip.

On impulse, I whipped out my credit card on Monday night and bought plane tickets: I decided that I needed an "appetizer" before my massive solo backpacking trip at the end of the semester. So I can get into the groove of traveling alone.

The destination? Amsterdam. And Brussels. And I only have 57 hours total for the long Easter weekend because of flight scheduling. Absolute madness, I know. But totally doable.

Only one minor, insignificant problem: I had overlooked the fact that it's a long weekend and hostels are booked solid. Even the sketchy ones that are smoked-filled with stoned kids, smack dab in the heart of the Red Light District, are unavailable.

FAB-ulous. I suppose the benches at the train station will have to do.

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