Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Quarterlife Crisis

Stephanie Sun's 天黑黑 lyrics of:
Daily, I face crossroads ahead
I reminiscent about past innocence, bliss and happiness
exactly depicts the range of emotions I have been going through for the past few weeks. I wish I was a 3 year old kid again. Life used to be waaaaaaay simpler. My only worry back then was wondering how the heck I can write my name right: "廖燕斌" instead of "廖燕文武". Rough life.
Adulthood on the other hand is just filled with deadlines and bills to pay off. If I was this parent, I'd shoot myself. (Sorry, I got sidetracked. Having spent the past 10 hours writing papers and case analysis, my attention span is hair-wired.)

Anyway, as graduation looms, I'm suddenly inundated with indecision as to whether I should stay or leave Canada. Funny how the brain works. Two weeks ago, I was adamant that I will live the North American life for the next three years. I've been thinking seriously about heading home since then. The thing with being this globalized is that I sometimes feel like I don't have a sense of belonging anywhere in the world.

Here's a hypothetical situation I've been pondering over: If - IF - Malaysia is to be so unfortunate as to have a repeat of May 13,1969, where should I seek refuge?
  • Being 3.5th* generation Chinese in Malaysia means that I'm not "pure" Chinese. I highly doubt that the P.R.C will take me in.
  • New Zealand hasn't been home for the past five years, and is henceforth irrelevant.
  • Even after 7 months in Prague, my typical response to someone speaking a string of Czech to me is, "Pardon, třebaže mluvím trochu český ale nerozumím. Prosím vás, mluvíte anglický ?" [Translation: Excuse me, even though I speak a little Czech, I don't understand. Please, do you speak English?"] If the person responds with a "No" (which, mind you, means "yes" in Czech), the conversation goes on. More often than not, they usually respond with a shrug. So no. I probably won't survive the Czech life.
Which leaves me Canada. I remember the times I spent back in Malaysia during the summer months. Friends thought I was putting on a show with my North American accent (sidenote: the Manglish does somewhat return after three weeks in Malaysia.) New friends think I'm an ABC (American-Born Chinese). Americans think I'm Canadian. Canadians think I'm local ... until I say things like "full-stop" instead of "period" - this happened barely 5 hours ago in my group meeting today.
The question still stands: Where in the world should Yan go?

I guess I'll just have to leave it up to fate; return back to 3 years ago when my life's philosophy was,"I'll go where the wind takes me."

I believe everything will calm down
Note*: My reasoning on this equation arouse from a somewhat complicated background: I'm 2nd generation Malaysian Chinese from my mom's side, but 5th on my dad's side of the family.


Anonymous said...

Hi Yan,

How have you been? Saw your blog from your facebook, interesting. I don't think the 513 will repeat but of course, after 51 years of independence, we are still called as "penumpang" of the country. I guess the best defence is to stand our ground and filmly know ourselves that we are children of Malaysia, the one truly Bangsa Malaysia. Take care!


Jan Banks said...

i think this is a common dilemma for most overseas educated people. i guess at our age, it isn't really necessary to make a permanent choice. unless you tied yourself down with someone already. ;)