Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bali Bliss

A place where greedy monkeys with sweet hairstyles run wild, and I am a millionaire.


Things to do before I hit 35:
1) Skiing / Snowboarding
2) Surfing
3) Skydiving

It's one down, two more to go. And no, it's not skiing/snowboarding. Rather, it's surfing. I know I know. I've lived in Victoria and was, for the past four years, within half a day's worth of travel to snowy peaks such as Mount Washington or Whistler, and I've never had any snow action. Shocking, innit?

Surfing was great. It also caused great pain: I got owned by the waves; stupendous wipeouts, crashing headlong / butt-long / sideways and just about any other way you can imagine, into the bare, gritty sand. ("My goodness, what happened to you?!" exclaimed my very concerned parents upon seeing the spectacular black and blues I sported on every visible part of my body.) I think I have Bali sand permanently ingrained into my elbows and hips. Hot.

In hindsight, this trip was highly necessary. A bit like having the dessert before the main course (this is written in relation to my slowly easing back into life in Malaysia). I think I found some sort of consolation and - for lack of words - inner peace that my decision to move back to my homeland is the right one.

Balinese sunset
One of the many Hindu temples on the island
Peace & tranquility


Kimi said...

So you didn't move back to Vancouver afterall! I'm moving back when I graduate.
Great pictures! Keep us all updated back in Canada with your blogging. You'll have to come back and wow us all with your surfing skills.

Swiftlet said...

No, and I blame the terrible economy :( I'm missing that city heaps! I'll be back. Someday.

p/s My surfing skills laughable, plus I'm too much of a wuss for that oh-so-cold Pacific ocean.