Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Title Translation: Hills, Water, Snow, Ice
40 minutes of waiting and shivering out in the cold, waiting for the bus that was to take us back to Zagreb, the random lyrics "I don't wanna wait another minute, put me out of my misery" churned repeatedly like a broken record in my head. What possessed us to think that taking a walk through Croatia's famous Plitviće National Park - the paths of which were buried under 3 inches of snow - on New Year's Day was a good idea, I don't know.


We were despairing over the fact that we only had USD$24 worth of Croatian kuna in our pockets after our bus ticket purchase; there was only 4 minutes left to catch the bus, but without local currency, we had no way of returning to the city. Right. We decided that Swan would go delay the bus driver while I run to the exchange office. With the entire bus and the cranky, grumbling conductor waiting for me, I sheepishly found my seat and contemplated digging myself a hole to hide in. What a way to start off the new year.

We got dropped off at the entrance of the park - the one that was closed, that is. Entrance 1 was 3.5km away. Bloody brilliant. But the trek was well-worthed it; my pictures of the park does it no justice whatsoever.

Tired of trudging through snow and slipping on icy steps, we retreated to a café that promptly kicked us out at 15.15. And hence, we found ourselves sitting out in the cold, waiting for the bus that was due to arrive 1.5 hours later.

Swan started counting cars that passed by, convinced that by the time we hit the 100th car, the bus would arrive. I sang out loud to take my mind off the fact that my toes had probably fell off and was rattling around like dices in my shoes.

89 cars later, we breathed a sigh of relief as we boarded the crowded bus in the advancing dusk.

Read more here

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