Thursday, January 10, 2008

Zbogom, Republika Slovenija

My ex-roommate's boyfriend's roommate backpacked around Europe last summer and mentioned that Slovenia was his favourite country out of all the countries he'd visited. Conversations with fellow backpackers sealed our decision in making a quick pit stop to Slovenia's capital en route to Vienna.

Ljubljana was...boring. Even the castle was lackluster. Fine, I admit to my docking off major points for a lousy cheesecake I had in a popular kavarna that came highly recommended by Lonely Planet.

only two cool things I did were:
(1) Stay in a former prison on the site of former military barracks - which was also the Slovenian headquarters of the Yugoslav National Army
(2) Chow down on a horseburger. Yes, I do mean those beautiful (but smelly) creatures that go neigh-hey-hey-hey.
This ginormous hunk of a horseburger puts McD's puny beefburgers to shame
A thick fog shrouding the city made us think twice about our initial plans to head to Bled the following day.

Me: Do we stick to the plan, or just forget about Bled and head to Vienna earlier?
Swan: Well...we've seen lakes, right? We've seen castles too. (ponders) You decide.

And so, I decided that we head to Vienna earlier. Na svidenje, Ljubljana. I don't think I'll ever see you again.


svaneswan said...

Actually it was more like:

Scene (at the train station, buying tickets)
We are never going to make the 9am bus, are we?
Nope. Awfully foggy out there, no? Think Bled would look like this?
I betcha the poor sods who rave about Bled has never seen Plitvice.
(looks at each other)
Let's just go back to the hostel, drink coffee and surf the Internet.

Anonymous said...

Many thanks.