Sunday, April 20, 2008

Oh, Me Sore Muscles!!!

My irritation on potential hikers crowding the pathways at the Cinque Terre hiking trail gave way to peace and content as I breathed in the fresh air and listened to the waves pounding onto shore. I could do this everyday - listen to the waves. Nature's most glorious music. It's times like these when I look at people with their iPod plugged to their ears, and I think, "What a shame."

Having lived in Prague for the past seven months, I think I've gotten just a little bit jaded with fancy European architecture. The coastline, bubbling creeks and wineyards at Cinque Terre was a refreshing change.

Absolutely, breathtakingly stunning. The hike wasn't too bad. More of a walk on a nicely paved pavement...until I hit the Corniglia - Vernazza trail. Skipping and balancing on strategically placed rocks for muddy puddles as big as lakes, jamming my foot into the crumbly earth to keep from executing yet another butt slide, and clambering up steep steps definitely took its toll - the effects of which showed when I resorted to waddling around like a duck the second morning instead of walking like a normal homosapien. Owwwww....but, no time to waste! I'm off to Venice next.

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