Monday, April 21, 2008

36 hours in Venezia

"You might want to cut out one day for Venice. One HALF day was enough (for me)."

So goes Swan's advice when she found out that I was staying two nights in Venice. I was surprised. Friends who've gone to Italy raved about Venice. But Swan and I have similar tastes and travelling habits. She is the older, wiser sister who knows me well. With some minor tweaking, I was to spend only one night in Venice and leave for Nice the second night.

As I weaved through the throngs of people on my way to the hostel, I felt this teeny twinge of disgruntlement on having listened to Swan. Well, peeved on myself for being so easily swayed by someone else's suggestion, and grumpy that it had to hail and snow when Swan visited Venice four years before, fueling her dislike for the place. Because, 3 minutes after arrival, I deducted that I. Love. Venice.

Gelato was cheaper than Rome or Florence; the place looked serene and exceedingly fetching in the sunshine.

This feeling of affection didn't last long.

I stepped out into pouring rain the second day. Honestly, I have the worst luck with the weather when it comes to travelling. (If you're an avid reader, then recall my misery in Bosnia, Croatia and the Netherlands.)

Rain battered madly and fell to the pavement in an endless clatter. Glumly, I gave up plodding through the driving rain and seeked shelter under an awning crammed full with other gloomy tourists, looking like they had all spontaneously taken a swim in the canals.
Now, this is a sight you don't often see. Not so romantic anymore, eh?
I left Venice, full of woe that the weather Gods just don't seem to like me. It better be sun and sea in Nice!

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