Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Penis Everywhere

The title just about says it all. My 10-day backpacking trip included my glimpsing on not one, not two, but four penises, one of which belonged to a deranged old man clad in spandex. Yep, travelling is never boring.

With only one day to spend in Florence, I aimed for the Galleria dell'Accademia to gape at David in all his naked glory. Scrutinizing the statue from every angle possible, I couldn't help but wonder why David's penis seemed disproportional in size. Regardless, I still think David is one of the most marvelous sculptures I've seen to date. I went on to Piazza della Signoria where is initially stood. A copy of a weather-beaten David stands there now. I then walked up Piazzale Michelangelo to look at the bronze version of David. It was a lot of Davids in one day.

Now I'm sure you are very intrigued with the story of Spandex-Clad Old Man. My experience below answers my ex-roommate's - she'd lived in Nice for two years - question of, "So, did you meet any perverts when you were in Nice?" Yes Silviya, in fact, I did:

I was probably in my fourth hour in Nice. The friend I was staying with had gone to school; the weather was too beautiful to be spent indoors, but too cold to be lying on the beach for a tan. Armed with a book and decked out in sunglasses, I sat on one of the benches lining the promenade, basking in the warmth of the sunlight.
Engrossed in book, I looked up a couple of minutes later to see a man, approximately in his late 40's, orbiting around my bench on his bicycle. He then proceeded to park his bike in front of me, and plonked himself beside me, on the other side of bench. He gave off a creepy vibe, but I wrote that off as paranoia on my part.

Apparently not. I sneaked a look in his direction after he emitted a couple of chuckles, only to see that he had pulled his shirt up and his pants down, and was playing with the little boy downstairs. Noticing my sudden stiff posture, he leans over in an attempt to touch my knee. Horrified, I shrieked a string of immoderate language at him before stalking off with as much dignity as I could muster.

So much for Nice being nice. Should've totally whipped out my camera, take a picture and proceed to point and laugh at his puny manhood.

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