Friday, September 28, 2007

14 Italians and a Pizza Place

There was some sort of minor explosion that caused a two-day electrical black-out in Rajská Budová (Paradise Building, where most of my classes are held) - or so this was what was told to us by a Professor whom I'm 90% sure was drunk when he stumbled into our class on Wednesday.

With my Thursday classes canceled, I now unexpectedly have a four-day weekend in my hands. It's piss-pouring rain outside, and has been, for the past two days. I couldn't stick to my initial plan of snapping more pictures of quaint buildings in downtown Prague. Nor could I take a whirlwind trip to neighbouring countries seeing that I'm passport-less at the moment.

Then came the invite from an Italian friend asking us out for an Italian meal he swears is amazing. Intriguing. From what I understand, no Italian meal tastes better than his Mama's home-cooked food.

It was evident that we were going to be late for our 9.00pm reservation when we were still waiting for the rest of the group at 9.10pm. Getting to the restaurant itself was another story: we kept getting lost. In the end, a call to the restaurant was made so we could ask for directions. I started having doubts about this little outing when Leo asked, "What's your restaurant's name?"

The bunch o' Italians

The long search in the rain had us all starving by the time we reached Pizza Nuova at 10.05pm. Th entire table opted for Verace pizza e pasta, a "sample as much as you can" pasta/pizza meal.
Mangiare: Go
Basta: Stop
Food will keep getting piled on your plate until you flip to the red side of the coaster.

We had to loosen our belt buckles by the end of dinner. I think I'll skip breakfast and lunch tomorrow.

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