Wednesday, September 19, 2007


...would be the one word to describe today's weather. The skies opened up just as we headed out to the meeting point for our day-trip to Hrad Karlštejn (Karlštejn Castle). I was less than thrilled to trudge through the torrential downpour; not after enjoying five days of glorious summer weather. With most students being unprepared for the weather, the happiest person was probably the umbrella seller by the street.

The steep climb towards Hrad Karlštejn shrouded in mist and rain

You know how it takes ages for jeans to dry when it's wet? And that "crunchy" feeling when it does get dry? Picture wearing damp jeans for half a day and then crunchy jeans for another half of the day. All in all, not a very comfortable feeling. I'll have to deal with laundry. And soon - once I figure out how to sign-language to the Czech-speaking only dorm lady who has the laundry room keys.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Hi Yan,

I love all the pictures!!

Enjoy your stay there and take care. =)

Joanne Chiu