Sunday, September 23, 2007

Say "Pivo"

Setting the scene for VŠE's Ice-Breaking Weekend:
- 150 students in their early 20's
- Surrounded by nothing but fields and forests
- Two pubs within 100 metres walking distance; beers for 20Kč per pint (i.e. € 0.75)

The party started two minutes into the bus ride

The country-side was a refreshing change from the Gothic architecture buildings in downtown Prague

The three-day trip to Dol u Sedlic in South Bohemia was wicked fun. Strangers were easier approached to strike up a conversation; "Hate to ask this, but we didn't meet at the party last night, did we?" became the typical conversation starter. I've endured too many instances where I'd introduce myself to someone and have them inform me that we've met before. My excuse? Foreign names are too hard to remember...
The dress-up theme was Sci-Fi, which explains the abundant use of tin-foil. It took me a few gulps of the grossest wine bought from Tesco to summon the guts to step into the bar as "Space Greek". (Paula unintentionally turned into the Statue of Liberty after her olive crown creation went awry.)

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